Study Group

Study Group

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Learn the key principles of Law, Ethics and Diagnosis as a route to passing.

The LCSW and MFT exams contain some content areas that are hard to wrap your head around.  Researchers and theorists abound and not all the literature in agreement.  There are three content areas, law, ethics and diagnosis, where the literature is more clear cut.  In short, there is a correct answer and an authoritative body of text to refer to when choosing that answer.

This means as long as you have mastered the content areas of law, ethics and diagnosis you should get questions from these content areas correct.  Law, ethics and diagnosis questions are far less subjective than questions from other content areas and you should make every attempt to get these content areas right every time.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed; however, different test companies have varying answers to legal questions in particular. Who are we to believe which one is actually correct on the exam? An example I can think of here is who holds the rights to their privilege? One test company says that without a doubt it's always the client, whereas, another states that the parent or custodian would. Very confusing!
